Property Sales - Elms Estates

Why Choose Us To Sell Your Property?

Elms Estates have made the very conscious decision to remain a Local Independent Estate Agent that even after 20 years, remains a single office Estate Agency to be able to provide our clients with a personal service and offer consistency as you will not be dealing with someone different every time you contact the office. We really do appreciate what a stressful time selling your most valuable asset can be and we will lead you through this minefield.

However, Elms Estate Agents also recognise the essential need to promote all of our properties on the internet as soon as possible and utilise as many Property Portals as possible to not only give your property local exposure but GLOBAL! You will therefore find us on all of the most popular property web sites along with our own successful web site with all updated in real time.

Elms Estates is positioned in an enviable High Street location with tremendous foot traffic with our office situated on Bethnal Green Road between the Tube & Train Stations, our glossy window displays attract a lot of attention also.

To assist you in readying your home For Sale, please read the helpful selling tips below.

Book a Valuation
Tidy Rooms - Elms Estates

Tidy Rooms

Almost impossible to achieve but worthwhile. Ensure the impression is of space and light. Cluttered rooms stay in the memory and for many people it is hard to see past clutter and mess.

Animals - Elms Estates


Some people are frightened by over-exuberant cats and dogs. Keep them out of the way until they can be properly introduced. Be aware that animal smells may hang around longer than the buyers!